Jennifer & Victor Mizrahi, highlighting a classic form of sustainable energy
The world is steadily marching down the path of climate disruption. No one person can stop it, but we can all try to help. To this end, Mizrahi Enterprises, LLC has a recently revised focus of investing in and advising technology startup companies which will have a beneficial influence on climate change, be it through mitigation or prevention.
Victor Mizrahi, PhD, principal of Mizrahi Enterprises, is a successful serial technology entrepreneur and investor. Prior to investing Mizrahi had worked in research, development, manufacturing, executive management and investor relations. Dr. Mizrahi is named on 58 patents covering a range of optical technologies.
Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi, is currently a climate activist, and has a successful track record as a founder and principal of several consulting and charitable organizations, with extensive experience in political advocacy, charitable work, networking and media relations.
Victor and Jennifer Mizrahi live in Annapolis, Maryland, near Washington, D.C. They have two wonderful children. Victor and Jennifer are founders and directors of the Mizrahi Family Charitable Fund.
Some recent climate-focused investments:
Carrar has developed a novel thermal cooling system for keeping battery packs in electric vehicles cool over a wide range of operating conditions. Carrar’s unique system has been proven to significantly increase the battery life, vehicle range, and safety, while enabling efficient ultrafast charging.
Flash Forest has successfully adapted commercial drones for the rapid reforestation of large areas impacted by forest fires (often the result of climate change). Flash Forest first maps the planting area from the air by drone, and after optimization using AI and geographic information systems, the drone rapidly fires proprietary pods into the ground which incorporate the seed, fertilizer and mycorrhiza, resulting in a high uptake rate for the new seedlings to eventually grow and sequester large amounts of CO2.
JumpLights develops, manufactures and installs high-efficiency LED growth lights for the indoor horticultural market. By combining more efficient LED technology, better spectral utilization and improved light distribution, JumpLights cost-effectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions in actual greenhouse applications.
LiVA reduces food waste by delaying spoilage of fresh-produce, thus reducing CO2 emissions, increasing food safety, and reducing the use of plastics, chemicals, and preservatives. LiVA’s formula can be applied to a variety of fresh food items and crops such as baked goods, vegan food, leafy greens, avocados, strawberries, and more.
Marine Edge is working to significantly reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of ocean-going cargo vessels. By retrofitting an innovative energy storage and recovery system governed by a machine learning algorithm, a relatively constant engine load is maintained in even choppy conditions. This reduces the ship’s fossil fuel consumption and carbon emissions, while appreciably lowering the owner’s operational expenses.
Quidnet Energy uses the rock beneath our feet as a sustainable natural resource. Quidnet's patented GPS technology utilizes excess renewable energy to store water beneath ground under pressure. When renewable energy is not available, this pressurized water drives hydroelectric turbines, producing electricity to support the grid at a fraction of the cost of lithium-ion batteries and for much longer durations. Quidnet's technology is an adaptation of centuries-old gravity-powered "pumped storage," but without the massive land requirements and reliance on elevated terrain.
Investments prior to having this climate-impact focus were made in diverse areas such as cleantech, optical technologies for high-data-rate communications, biomedical technology, the sharing economy, and in food services with cloud-based analysis.